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Showing posts from 2015

Mother flippin' button-fly jeans

Who decided it was a good idea, and when did we all agree… So it seems that at some point in history some dude decided that he would be fitting his jeans with buttons all the way down…. I’ve heard people state that this style is the classic jean style. I’ve heard other try to convince me (or more likely themselves) that button fly jeans are nicer or better than those with a zip fly. Well do you know what? They’re wrong! Classic jeans, in my opinion have a zip fly and there is absolutely no reason why having buttons instead of a zip constitutes a pair of jeans or even trousers to be better than any others! Now I’ll admit, I personally own a couple of pairs of jeans that have a button fly. For whatever reason these jeans were actually more expensive than my others and thus are of a higher quality in general. The denim itself on them is of a higher quality and thanks to this they are very comfortable to wear. Having said this I dont wear them anywhere near as often as I wear my le

As amazing as The Walking Dead is....

I just couldn't help but notice a few things that definitely don't add up. I mean how long has it been now (to season 6) since the start of the zombie hell that everyone now lives in? Like 2 years or something (Guess based on Judith's rough age)? So...  Why do only the Wolves seem to show the correct sort of tooth decay after such a long time without proper dental care?  On top of that how does no one ever seem to have any issues like tooth ache, diarrhoea and vomiting, spots, rashes or anything else for that matter? You know, the sort of normal crap that would occur due to terrible dental health and a bad diet.  How do everyone's clothes seem to fit perfectly, including the growing children like Judith, Carl etc? I mean we know there are lots of dead people to take clothes from but how the heck do they manage to find clothes that fit better then the ones I go out specifically to buy without any zombies trying to eat me?  How does Daryl's bike still h

A Poem For My Mum

A Letter From Your Son Dear Mum, I'm only small and young, But I'm wrapped tightly in your arms, Just minutes old in to the world, But you and I are friends of old. We've grown together month on month, Shared kicks and punches through our bump, But now I'm here your little boy, To grow some more and bring you joy. I'm getting older it’s so much fun, Playing with you and John in the sun, And in the winter when it’s wet outside, We play indoors finding places to hide. Going through school was often tough, But it was always OK because I had your love, If I came home and I’d had a bad day, You’d be there for me to wipe the tears away. I'm older still and look down on you now, I can tell when you look at me that you are proud, I'm almost a man now with places to go, With homework to do and the lawn to mow. When school is all over I'm getting a job, As I leave for the Army together we sob, But I wont

Dear Everyone

This is for those of you who think that ADHD  isn't  real and is simple a cop out for bad parents or some way to gain financial benefits. Let me say firstly that I am certain there are too many children wrongly diagnosed with ADHD and I think there should be more time taken in testing before dishing out what I believe to be potentially harmful medication. This does by no means mean that ADHD  isn't  ‘real’. I was diagnosed with ADhD as an adult (I put a small ‘h’ because  I'm  not all that hyperactive so am an inattentive sub-type). My childhood was good and my parents were too. I  wasn't  a bad kid at all and  I'm  sure not all kids with ADHD are totally unruly. So to blame parenting is ludicrous. I did well in school though did struggle to focus all of the time and potentially could have done better, but who can’t say that. Luckily for me I was an intelligent kid so the things I was good at and those which grabbed my attention I was very good at. I mean I

Hello Hello!

Hello and welcome to my brand new shiny blog. I know there's not much to see here yet but fear not the content is coming very soon. Just as soon as I decide what it is I am actually going to post about. Any ideas anyone?